Heidi is a poet, writing tutor, and mentor. She has over twenty years’ experience developing and delivering writing workshops for a wide range of organisations.

Heidi is a Writing for Life Fellow for the Royal Literary Fund, working with community groups. She has also been an Advisory Fellow and Royal Literary Fund Fellow at the University of East Anglia. Previously Heidi was Poet-in-Residence for the London Science Museum’s Dana Centre and Writer-in-Residence at the John Jarrold Printing Museum.
She teaches a monthly poetry seminar for The Poetry School and mentors poets world-wide on Zoom through The Poetry Society, the National Centre for Writing, The Poetry School and The Writing Coach. Heidi also peer reviews poetry and short prose for San Diego based journal Whale Road Review.
Her first collection ‘Electric Shadow’ (Bloodaxe, 2011) was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and shortlisted for the Seamus Heaney Centre Prize for Poetry. Her second collection, ‘The Print Museum’ (Bloodaxe, 2016), won the EAW Book by the Cover Award and the 2016 East Anglian Book Award for Poetry. Her third collection ‘Return by Minor Road’ was published by Bloodaxe in June 2020, featured in The Guardian and was a Poetry Society and Out-Spoken Press Book of the Year. Her short story Glacial was shortlisted for the 2021/22 Fish International Short Story Prize.
She is a qualified Writing Coach and studied poetry and prose at the University of East Anglia. She has a Masters in Creative Writing (with Distinction) from Oxford University (Keble College).

Latest News
New poem in Lighthouse Journal
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New collaborative poem in Long Poem magazine
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Reading at Rise Up! York
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