
Option 1
Feedback on your poems
If you’d like feedback on some individual poems Heidi runs 1:1 Poetry Surgeries by Skype for The Poetry Society. An informed and supportive reader, Heidi can give you honest, encouraging, and thought-provoking comments on your work.
If you have an embryonic pamphlet or collection, or simply a mass of work you would like detailed professional feedback on, Heidi also offers feedback on your manuscript through The Writing Coach.

Option 2
Mentoring and feedback
If you’re looking for 1:1 support to help you develop, including detailed feedback on your writing, Heidi mentors poets from ‘beginner’ to post-MA and/or published and established writers.
If you’re based in East Anglia and would like face-to-face sessions, check out the National Centre for Writing in Norwich rates and packages with Heidi.
Mentoring with Heidi through The Poetry School can be set up for any timeframe and arranged to suit you by email, Skype and/or face-to-face meetings if practicable.
For The Full Mentor – from 3 months’ to a year’s worth of intensive poetry feedback, coaching and manuscript review, with ongoing support by email or telephone, Heidi is a Consultant for The Writing Coach.
Heidi qualified as a Writing Coach through RD1st in affiliation with the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE) and the Arvon foundation.