I’m really looking forward to reading with Philip Gross and Jane Clarke at the Stay at Home Literary Festival on Friday 7th May at 6pm. It’s free – you just need to register for a place.
We’ll be reading from our latest books, but also one of each other’s poems that resonates with us.
It promises to be quite a unique reading.
Friday 7th May, 6:00 pm on Zoom
FREE, but register beforehand here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/150739779739
Join a trio of Bloodaxe poets whose recent poetry collections span Scotland, Ireland, England and Estonia. Each shares a powerful sense of their formative landscapes; whether farmland, forest, mountains, estuaries, rivers or beyond. In poems that consider the impact of loss – of friends and friendships, parents, or a communal event of the most traumatic kind – these collections foster sympathy and strength. The poets will read from their own work, and also from each other’s, creating a unique conversation about memory and resonance in the landscape.
Do come along and join us if you can. You can register for it here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/150739779739