Reading with Philip Gross and Jane Clarke 7th May
I’m really looking forward to reading with Philip Gross and Jane Clarke at the Stay at Home Literary Festival on Friday 7th May at 6pm. It’s free – you just need to register for a place.
We’ll be reading from our latest books, but also one of each other’s poems that resonates with us.
It promises to be quite a unique reading.

Friday 7th May, 6:00 pm on Zoom
FREE, but register beforehand here:
Join a trio of Bloodaxe poets whose recent poetry collections span Scotland, Ireland, England and Estonia. Each shares a powerful sense of their formative landscapes; whether farmland, forest, mountains, estuaries, rivers or beyond. In poems that consider the impact of loss – of friends and friendships, parents, or a communal event of the most traumatic kind – these collections foster sympathy and strength. The poets will read from their own work, and also from each other’s, creating a unique conversation about memory and resonance in the landscape.