I’m thrilled to be reading with the legendary George Szirtes, Moniza Alvi and Elizabeth Lewis Williams on Saturday 28th October at 7.30pm in the beautiful Becket’s Chapel as part of Wymondham Words festival of literature. There’s music and open mic too. Full details and tickets here: www.tickettailor.com/events/wymondhamartsforum/1026291
The beautiful market town where I live hosted a literature festival for several years. After a break for Covid, it’s back in-person, thanks to cooperation between independent local bookshop Kett’s Books and Wymondham Arts Forum.
Four days of events feature well known writers such as Louis de Bernières and Jean McNeil, and ‘a special celebration reading by four of the region’s outstanding prize-winning poets complete with music’. Find out all about the festival at the Wymondham Words website: https://wymwords.wordpress.com/