A poetry reading on places as memories, featuring the works of Heidi Williamson, Theophilus Kwek, Kostya Tsolakis. This free event will take place...
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Three reviews of Return by Minor Road
I'm grateful for the attention reviewers draw to collections, whatever they make of them. So often I find a book I want to read because someone has...
Film of me reading ‘Place’ for the Poetry Archive
The Poetry Archive's tagline is 'connecting with the voice of poets' and I've enjoyed listening to so many wonderful poems on their site over many...
And the winner is…
What a pleasure it was to judge the Poetry Society's 2020 Stanza Poetry Competition. From nearly 400 entries I had to choose 13 - a Winner, two...
Reading with Philip Gross at Cafe Writers on Zoom, 14th Sept 7.30pm
I’m really looking forward to hearing the wonderful Philip Gross read from his new Bloodaxe collection Between the Islands at Cafe Writers Zoom...
Review of Return by Minor Road on Write Out Loud
I'm grateful to Write Out Loud for this sensitive and engaged review of 'Return by Minor Road': "Many of us, myself included, will never forget...