May is proving to be a communal poetry month. On thursday 20th May at 7pm, I'm looking forward to sharing some virtual space with my dear friend Sue...
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Reading with Philip Gross and Jane Clarke 7th May
I'm really looking forward to reading with Philip Gross and Jane Clarke at the Stay at Home Literary Festival on Friday 7th May at 6pm. It's free -...
Review of Return by Minor Road in The School Librarian
I was surprised and pleased to see Return by Minor Road was reviewed in the journal that school librarians refer to when thinking about what books...
Return by Minor Road in The Poetry Review
The Poetry Review is the official journal of the UK Poetry Society. It's a trailblazing journal, currently edited by Emily Berry, that publishes new...
Guardian Poem of the Week and review
Carol Rumens is a poet and critic I respect immensely, so to have work selected by her for her Guardian Poem of the Week column means a great deal...
Review in London Grip
Maltese poet and teacher Abigail Ardelle Zammit recently reviewed Return by Minor Road for London Grip. Her thoughtful and sensitive take on the...